
Jasa Analisis Miktostruktur SEM

Buka : Setiap Hari Kerja (Senin – Jum’at Pukul 09.00 – 15.00, kecuali hari libur)

Laboratorium Mikrostruktur Jurusan Fisika.

Lab. Mikrosturktur, Jurusan Fisika Kampus UNM Parang Tambung.

Parang Tambung, Tamalate, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan (90224)

Kontak Person

WA : +62 821 9462 1640 (Drs. Subaer, M.Phill., Ph.D.)

Rek. Pembayaran : 
Bank BNI 188 948 7460 a.n. Nurhasmi


Lama Analisis?

Lama waktu Durasi Pengerja 2 – 3 Hari Kerja
Catatan : Dalam keadaan tertentu kami akan menginformasikan keterlambatan pengerjaan.

Pengiriman Sampel?

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.

Bisakah saya meminta analisis data?

Provided by the KU Institute of Education, this programme is available by distance learning, allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes.

The MSc Finance (EG. Banking) deepens your understanding of banks and financial markets, and how they relate to performance. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy.

Jasa Analisis Mikrostruktur